Welcome to Wrexham Cemetery Stories, a place to share and discover tales of Wrexham Cemetery, the people buried there, and the area's heritage.
Wrexham Council, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, invites you to explore the Cemetery and the website and to add your own stories by clicking 'Add your story'. No tale is too small! You can also share your photographs. Everyone involved will be fully credited for their contributions, which will be enjoyed by local people and visitors long into the future.
The project is part of the restoration of Wrexham Cemetery, which has its own fascinating history, but extends to Wrexham as a whole. Topics include Victorian Wrexham, local traditions, the history of the Polish community and more.
Friends of Wrexham Cemetery
The purpose of the Friends of Wrexham Cemetery is to promote the preservation, care and improvement of Wrexham Cemetery as a place of historical value and interest and as a community green space for the public benefit.
A selection of biographies and stories researched by members of the friends group can be found here.
For further info about joining the Friends Group go here. We look forward to hearing from you!